Tuesday, November 2, 2010


1. I only just discovered Ten on Tuesdays.

2. I only have five really short chapters to go in the story of Rahab from the Francine Rivers book a Lineage of Grace. I will post my review of that story as soon as I finish.

3. I've been considering returning to school to work on my Master's Degree. In what, you ask? I'm not exactly sure yet. I can tell you that it is not education! I will add that at the moment, journalism is tugging one arm and human resources/management has a firm grip on the other.

4. Instead of waiting to be inspired, I would like to inspire others. This boring list of ten random thoughts may inspire my only two followers to find something better to do with their time.

5. I realized that taking pictures on my phone to include in my blog is useless. So there goes number 5.

6. I'm really working on maintaining a positive outlook despite common frustrations. So instead of a loud verbal rant about why the lady at the voting center did not do her job correctly, I simply rolled my eyes and walked away. I think my point was still received, minus the callous remarks.

7. I'm going to stop procrastinating. Also, on Monday I will start exercising more by walking. Hmm?

8. Since my posts need better quality, I will always try to include a cute picture of my child. That will in turn, reduce the stress I place on myself to be more interesting.

                                           So yeah, it is a really old picture. It is cute though.

9. Give my loving husband several random hugs throughout the day. (I had to let that one slide because it was my fault for leaving the computer)

                              It shouldn't be too hard to accommodate the hug thing. He is pretty cute.

10. I am no longer with my previous choice to allow my daughter to read the Harry Potter books. I will admit, as a christian, I should have been offended before beginning. I do believe though, with a proper education of what is acceptable behavior and dialogue, she should investigate all sorts of literature. However, I do not support the use of the word "effin" as good literature. That is all.

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